It was Tuesday evening around 9:30 p.m.
There were screams.
Then we saw flames.
Several explosions followed a little later.
We live just a few meters from this homeless tent / house.
When we got there, the homeless tent / house was on fire.
The flames were high and there was no chance of saving anything.
We ourselves know this homeless person well.
We often brought him food and clothes.
He only lived across the street.
He had to move because of construction work.
He built his home on the grass verge in front of the house at number 9929 on Venice Blvd.
He had lived there for 6 months.
We saw the whole meadow under water almost every day.
They wanted to drive him out there.
In the evening hours the water gushed 30-40inch out of the ground on the meadow.
The whole meadow was flooded almost every day.
We asked him how he could take it.
He said to us.
The homeowner wants to drive him away and turns on the water every day.
But he wanted to stand firm, he said.
Now on Tuesday the poor man died in the flames.
He was handicapped with a wheelchair.
He was burned alive in the flames.
We do not now know what the police investigation will look like.
But it’s very strange that it burned down.
He knew a lot about electrical and gas appliances.
Was it even arson? Was that how they wanted to drive him away?
Just a week ago, a second homeless man had settled in the meadow.
His tent, which was much smaller, was also burned.
He could probably save himself.
How unfair life is …
Homeless, handicapped and then burned …
Today on Thursday, two days after the fire, the meadow will be cleaned by order of the house owner.
There are plumes and a wreath in the meadow.
It can’t go fast enough for the homeowner.